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Aaron Wallace was called into full time ministry in the fall of 2001 at Asbury Church. After seventeen years of ministry as a youth and campus pastor, God called him to plant Reliance Community Church in West Wichita.
He has one desire, to passionately pursue the Lord. He is a true shepherd of his flock! Aaron believes strongly that the church is the people and that our calling is to “do life together” in Jesus. He has a strong commitment to see communities transformed by hope, love, and life that comes from a relationship with Christ.
Ten years ago my wife, Kristy, and I were asked to step out of our comfort zones and my role in student ministries to become the campus pastor of Asbury Church West Campus. Little did I know how God would forever change my life. We met in a small elementary school with just a hand full of families. Not knowing much about anything except how to point people after the perfection of Jesus, our small adventure turned in to a beautiful church family. After seven years of being a mobile church we out grew our place and had the opportunity to build a new facility on the west side of Wichita. As the church began to grow in faith and numbers so did our pursuit for obedience.
In 2017 God laid it on our hearts to be obedient and go; go out and plant a church out side of denominational lines; founded on one thing, his word. In April 2017 Reliance Community Church was formed. Our goal is not to be 'just another church.' Our goal is to be a place where we are equipping people in their kingdom purpose through the reliance of God, His word, and each other.
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