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These past 7 years have been a wild ride when we launched out as Reliance Community Church in 2017.  We had a dream to be a place for people to come in, hear the gospel and encounter Jesus, grow as a house of prayer, engage in worship as a lifestyle, find family, know your identity in Christ, use the gifts the Lord has given you, walk in discipleship and get equipped, and SO much more!  


This adventure with you, as family, following Jesus has been incredible and we are looking forward to the many years to come.


As we look to the future it has been fun watching our building project go up as well.  Space has been needed for quite some time and through your faithfulness as a church family we are SO grateful to be able to “expand our tent stakes”.  The Lord has put dreams in our hearts for ministry inside and outside these walls. 


Ephesians 4:11-12…vs 12  to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,


In January we had a night that we invited the church body to come and write scriptures on the foundation of the new building. It was so powerful to see individuals and families come together and declare that we will be a house built on the foundation of the word. We had over 400 people show up and write over 1000 verses and prayers on the floors! Praise the Lord! 

Philippians 4:17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit


We are so grateful that your gift of radical generosity helps partner with the ministry of this House to see HIS Kingdom fruit go forth.  



One of our greatest goals is to be debt free so we can always focus on missions and ministry outside these walls.  It is an honor and privilege to sow into missionaries and ministries (local and global),  and those who find themselves in difficult times.  Scripture says very clearly “what you sow you shall reap”.  We believe that to the core of this house and we want to sow into the gospel going to the ends of the earth.  

Last year over 20+% of giving (over $200,000) went outside these walls into ministry and missions that LOVE Jesus and want to see people set free in Him.  To put that in perspective the average missions giving of a church is around 2%.  Again, that is a faith testament to your radical generosity in tithes and offerings.  Our hope and desire is that missional and ministry sowing will only increase with partners around the world. 

January Challenge:  

In January our stewardship team issued a challenge to raise $500,000 by March 31st for a paydown of the bank note. 

    -Current giving to this challenge-- $48,000 

    -Tithing has also increased by 30-35% since beginning of 2023 

                         Thank you for that Step of Faith... 


2 years Challenge:  

To pay off the remaining loan balance estimated $2million in 2 years.  We believe we can accomplish this through: 

  1. Continued faithful tithing

  2. Special gifts / offering 


Below is a LINK that you can use to give towards the stewardship of the building and these challenges.  


We recognize that one of the best ways to keep that goal is to pay off this building project as quickly as we can.  We believe that through the course of the next 2 years this goal is not only attainable but in faith it will happen.  We NEED your help to achieve this.  We are prayerfully asking you to be apart of all that Jesus is doing in and through this family of faith.  

Thank you for your continued giving in tithes and offerings as well as your generosity towards the building fund.  


It’s a BIG ask… we SERVE a BIG God… Grateful for each of you… 

Building Timeline:

-Dedication Weekend March 15-16th- 72 hour scripture reading, prayer and worship 

-Be in new building by Easter


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