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Where Do I Belong?

The short answer... right here. At Reliance Community Church we are family and that includes you!


Our desire as a church body is to do life together. How do we do that you ask? We desire to connect with you in three different ways...


1.Connect through life groups and Sunday mornings.


We don't want to be a church that you come and go, and no one knows your name. Sunday mornings are always a great time to connect but we believe there is more to it. Our goal is that every person gets involved in a life group. Life groups are a way to get challenged in the word and have people help you live it out.  


2. Serve. When Reliance Community was launched we were asked the question: "Why another church?"


We don't desire to be 'just another church.' We want to be an equipping center. Every follower of Jesus has a kingdom purpose; and the church operates best when the body comes together and unites in their gifting. Our goal is to equip people to serve for the kingdom!


Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12


3. Worship is a lifestyle. It is not a style of music. Romans 12:1 tells us "to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to the Lord. This is our spiritual act of worship." Worship is a daily surrenderer to the Lord. As a congregation we want to connect people to God through an authentic heart of worship; the body of Christ surrendering through obedience to the Lord!


For more information on how to serve or join a life group email us @


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